CoD-X Player Submitted Scene 2

The day is still early when Tag arrives at the cabal’s shared home with a certain pink haired werewolf in tow. They walk past the safeguards and enter the front door. Tag is mid sentence when they enter. “…so basically this is our shared base of operations. You’d still have your residence in the dormitories but you could set up another home away from home here.”

Spindle has his hands in his pockets and an entranced look on his face. He stops suddenly at the threshold. “Um. Mr. Tag? Are you sure I can, um, c-come in? I haven’t really asked everyone.”

Grimnir is sitting in the main shared area, with three or four books and a notebook arrayed around him. He looks up as they enter, quirking his eyebrow.

Catching sight of the Obrimos, Spindle launches himself into a bow. “S-sorry to intrude, Mr. Grimnir, sir!”

Grimnir looks at Tag, then back to Spindle. “Nothing to worry about. Just doing some light reading.”

Tag motions for Spindle to come the rest of the way in. “I’m glad you’re here, Grimnir. I thought it was time to let the kid have a look at the common areas.”

“S-so I’m just in? Um. I d-don’t have to swear any sacred vows? Bind myself to a spirit?”

Grimnir takes a moment, setting his books aside. “Ah, I see. Well, then, welcome to our humble abode.”

“There’s no oath for a visit,” Tag says with a small roll of his eyes.

“Indeed. Besides just… you know, being a good guest,” Grimnir adds.

Spindle squeaks. He extends one foot over the threshold and plants it gently on the other side. When it doesn’t explode in magic flames he takes a full step, then skips inside.

Tag walks over to the fridge. He pours himself a water and offers Spindle one. “I did want to talk to you, Grimnir. Seeing as how Spindle is my apprentice I would like to discuss his membership in the cabal.”

“Membership…Well, then. What are you proposing? He’s not exactly a…standard apprentice, as it were, or a typical Proximus.” He sits up fully, looking interested.

Spindle also perks up. “I s-sort of wonder that, too. Um. Mages can join packs.”

Grimnir nods. “Yes, as can the Lost, from what I have seen. Our organizations aren’t as…well, we operate differently. It’s more of a political and interpersonal matter than a mystical one.”

“He’s a unique case, but he understands the importance of an oath. I think we could both benefit from each other.”

“I d-don’t want to intrude on your home. Um. But I think I would like to be part of it.”

“I see… I’m not exactly opposed to the idea. I think you would be a good fit. I do have a question if you don’t mind?” Grimnir probes.

“Y-yes, sir. Um. I’ll answer if I can!”

Grimnir leans forward, and asks, “How would you see your responsibilities as Tag’s apprentice, and your responsibilities to your people, balancing with that membership? And, along a similar vein, how would your people see us being caught up in your responsibilities to them, because of that membership?”

Spindle swallows. Something in his question seems to bother the werewolf. “Um. I’m m-mostly not worried about my people. But my duties as Uratha…um…h-have I explained to you what they are yet?”

“I’m sure you’ve mentioned it, but feel free to expand as much as you feel is necessary.”

The swallowing turns into a full-on gulp and an uneasy glance in Tag’s direction. “Um. Well. All Uratha are supposed to keep the balance between Flesh and Spirit. Because I’m Ithaeur, I’m extra tied to spirits, so I spend a lot of time getting to know the locals and stuff. Um. That’s not incompatible with being an Arrow or part of the cabal, since it’s all about making the world a better place. Um. It does sort of get complicated with my Tribe, though.”

This time when he looks at Tag he’s downright desperate.

Tag leans against the couch and makes a “go on” motion.

Spindle steadies himself against the furniture as well, trying to look cool. “Um. Well. I’m an Iron Master. Th-that means I follow Red Wolf, the spirit of change. We’re supposed to watch over humans and all supernaturals who live among them to make sure they don’t disrupt the balance. They’re our, um, ‘s-sacred prey’, we call it. Mages are included. Tag knows about it, a-and it’s totally compatible with being an Arrow since I only hunt the bad ones, but it’s kind of hard to explain. Um.”

“We have people that police our own as well, Spindle.”

“Y-yeah, but I would be upset if someone came and told me they were policing m-my people…”

“A fair thing to be concerned about,” Grimnir interjects. “That said, I am sure our peoples have different definitions of ‘bad’ in this case. Differing priorities, after all. What do you, specifically, consider a disruption of the balance? I assume it has a great deal to do with the spirits and the Shadow, both from what you have explained and what I can guess.”

“B-basically, yeah. Um. We mostly overlap, honestly. I r-really hate lots of violence because of what it does to the Shadow, but it does have to happen sometimes. M-most of the time the big problem is Shadow stuff sneaking across the barrier, or humans w-wandering through by accident. Um.” Spindle winces. “If a spirit Mage went really, really bad and started, um, b-binding lots of spirits, or making them all go to war, or s-something like that, I would have to talk to them, or, um, k-kill them if they didn’t stop hurting people. B-basically what mages would consider bad.”

Grimnir considers. “Some mages, especially the Seers, would likely not consider that bad in the least. They seek to bind everything to their masters’ will, in one way or another, and spirits are no exception to that. That being said…I suppose any action you take would fall under the right of Nemesis, were you a member. Does that fit with your understanding, Tag?”

He chuckles and adds, “Assuming it wasn’t me you felt the need to take action against, anyway. That would be a different conversation altogether, and one I would hope we could have before it got to such an extreme.”

Tag nods. “Right of Nemesis, possibly the right of sanctuary if it’s concerning Seattle.”

“H-hunting doesn’t always mean killing!” Spindle races to explain. “It j-just means taking care of the problem, and you can be creative. Um. B-but can you explain the rights to me?”

Tag’s vocal cadence settles into a well rehearsed list. “They are known as the golden laws.

“Right of Crossing: Let no borders stop an Awakened with a clear heart.

“Right of Emeritus: Those who have earned respect must be treated with respect.”

“Right of Hospitality: Those who request hospitality must be granted it.

“Right of Nemesis: When vengeance is declared, let none stand in its way.

“Right of Sanctuary: Protect your home, and let no action cause it harm.”

Grimnir nods again. “Each cabal chooses which of the Great Rights they will follow, and codifies that in their charter. We’ve elected to respect all of them equally, as well as the addendum that we would prefer not to antagonize supernatural beings friendly to us.”

Spindle’s head wobbles back and forth as he thinks through the Rights. “Th-those are mostly fine with werewolves. Um. Except the Right of Crossing. We sort of run into problems if we try going into someone else’s territory.”

Tag chuckles. “Well, believe it or not, we don’t walk willy nilly into each others’ territories. We negotiate passage first.”

“Indeed. Thus the clear heart portion. Hard to get a read on that without meeting with someone first. But, in an ideal world, we wouldn’t hinder another Pentacle mage who needed to pass through the territory we claim as the cabal’s, and they would act like a good guest while they pass through.”

“Oh. Okay. Y-yeah, that’s pretty much right! Um. S-some really grouchy traditionalists might get mad just because they can, b-but that’s totally within my values.”

Tag smiles. “You’re as much an ambassador as an apprentice. That was part of why I wanted you, Spindle.”

“I’ll do my best.” Grimnir can see Spindle’s spine bowing under the pressure. “Um. Anyway, I d-don’t know how much my time is going to be limited. B-being a student takes up just as much as being a werewolf.”

“Fair enough. Mostly I wanted to make sure I understood your thought process on it, and your position on things.”

“So. Spindle. Can you in good conscience follow those rules?” Tag asks.

“Y-yes, I can. They’re all pretty much what I do anyway. Um. Human and werewolf values.”

Tag smiles and ruffles Spindle’s pink hair. “So. Want to pick a space for your own?”

“If, um, it’s really okay?”

Grimnir offers a quick thumbs up. “It’s fine with me.”

Spindle’s pupils grow hearts. He bolts off the side of the couch, shifting into Urhan as he goes. He zooms around the room, bouncing on furniture while sprays of drool slop from his mouth.

Tag looks at Grimnir and with an expression of rare sincerity he smiles. “Thank you, Grimnir.”

Grimnir returns the smile, and say,s “Not a problem. I agree that we call all benefit from this, and I look forward to seeing how things develop.”

Spindle flops onto Grimnir’s shoes and continues drooling.

-Logan, Toby, and Lindsey